Parker Schnabel Net Worth 2022
Gold Rush has become one of the biggest series Discovery Channel. Every Friday the show interesting 3 million viewers in the US and a combination of 10 million worldwide. With its Porality, it is time for the network to decide to give a younger star Parker Schnabel spins alone. After 7 salary seasons rose to $ 75,000 per season but now with his spin off Schnabel leads $ 150,000 defeat.
In season 2 we were introduced to the 21 -year -old player who took a big burden after his grandfather resigned. John Schnabel gave his grandchildren to the large nugget mine and appeared throughout the series to give advice on young miners. Unfortunately, 96 years died in 2016 in his sleep.
With this new spin off, Parker felt it would be an award for his grandfather.
Discovery released this press release along with a long long trailer.
Between 1896 and 1899, more than 100,000 brave people left on a dangerous journey north frozen on the legendary Rush Gold Rush Klondike route. Most never made it until the end. Killed or feared by bears, dangerous terrain, driving torrent and temperatures below -40 degrees, only one in three completed the trip. Now Parker Schnabel from Discovery Gold Rush Fame, will try to make the same trip and document it at Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail